minilogue – studio jam session für ableton

manchmal ist der zufall (ja ich weiss. gibt es nicht..) ein verwirrtes psy-trance mädchen aus dem norden. da war ich gerade beim einkaufen von neuen tracks und überlegte mir dabei, welchen von den drei neuen minilogue tracks ich nun kaufen soll, sah ich prompt, dass ronny vom kraftfuttermischwerk im gleichen moment eine jamsession mit genau diesen zwei jungs gepostet hat. und weil ich jetzt nicht mehr zeit verlieren möchte, um weiter neue tracks suchen zu können (weil morgen ein kleiner radioauftritt bei GDS.FM ansteht), poste auch ich dieses hübsche video, aber ohne weiteren kommentar. wer noch mehr von den beiden erfahren möchte, der soll beim kraftfuttermischwerk weiter lesen. einer muss ja schliesslich noch arbeiten.. ^_^

(via kraftfuttermischwerk)

und in diesem video laufen sie noch im wald rum, sitzen am see, machen etwas yoga und reden über’s musik produzieren..

(via minilogue)

und weil nerd diskussionen über geräte set-up und software auch sein müssen:

und weil sebastian mullaert (einer von beiden, der solo weiter macht) schon einen mix auf seiner soundcloud bereit hält, den man sich bei gefallen auch runtersaugen kann, will ich den als mehrwert auch noch vorstellen..

(via sebastian mullaerts soundcloud)

jetzt wäre ich aber fertig.

da ich jetzt noch gesehen habe, dass marcus henriksson, der andere teil von minilogue, auch sein solo-projekt als nobody home vorantreiben möchte, und ebenfalls einen mix aufgenommen hat, will ich den gerne auch noch posten. der ganzheitlichkeit wegen.

und ganzheitlich geht’s auch in der biography von marcus henriksson zu und her. ich poste hier mal auszüge, weil irgendwie interessant. schön, dass es allen irgendwie gleich geht

(via nobody home)

Nobody Home biography:

„My life has been in a very dramatic change this last years. I think I’m going through some sort of cleaning out… cleaning out my subconscious. This is good but it sometimes get a bit scary and turbulent when there is a lot of change at the same time. I have imposed this onto myself for a number of reasons… but the biggest reason was that I was not happy with my life as it where. It was time to stand up for myself and start to take control over the things that was out of control.

I started experimenting with meditation, yoga and entheogens. Tried a lot of different methods of exploring my inner being. Doing this opened up a lot of new doors and new ways of seeing on the world and life. This was very good for me but I also realized that I had to make some big changes in my life to be able to live it in a more harmonious way… a way that was suitable for my life and tempo.

Sebastian and I have worked together for over 15 years. We have learned so much from each other and I am very grateful for this! We both want to explore new territory within ourselves and have decided to put full focus on our solo projects and only do a few „special“ Minilogue shows a year. We are both very happy about this decision 🙂

I really learned to stand up for myself and say what I want and what I don’t want without feeling guilty for wanting it. It’s not always easy telling the truth for me… and it is not always easy to know what the truth IS for ME… this is where the meditation, yoga and entheogens have helped me understand and heal myself.

I have been dj’ing since 1993. Gone through many different fazes in music „styles“ over the years. Discovering new ones and leaving old ones behind… and after a few years picking up some of the old ones again 😉

But one thing that has always been with me is the search for the hypnotic and psychedelic… the music that makes me go into trance… the music that inspires me to forget about myself and go beyond my normal life.

My first techno years (1993-1996) I went to a lot of parties in Denmark and Sweden without doing any substances at all. I was high on the music alone… dancing for 8-12 hours nonstop… of course I had to go to the toilet a few times ;-).

How could I do this 12 hours dancing without substances or enhancements???… I was in trance… like the native african people when they do drum ceremonies. I found some sort of power within myself. A power I could not find in my daily life. This is where I got „addicted“ to trance! I don’t mean the style trance I mean getting into a trance state.

Time passed and 1997 I met Sebastian. We connected and soon after we started the Son Kite and Minilogue projects. I became a musician. This is where I lost the old Marcus who did not think about production, mastering and how to do a techno track. I still had the hypnotic and psychedelic experience in my mind when making the music but it faded away in becoming a famous trance artist.

The electronic dance music scene was changing… so did I. I felt that everything became more „commercial“ and with less soul and passion for the psychedelic and hypnotic state that I was looking for. I did not realize this back then… I was just not happy about the parties anymore.

Back then (2003) we where running 3 labels and a publishing company… AND touring the world every weekend as Son Kite or Minilogue. Everywhere I wen’t I got the same feeling… the parties was not as they used to be. I was so into the whole industry that I was not aware that I was forgetting why I did this. Of course there where a few occasions where there was magic but it was rare. I wanted to make the „most“ hypnotic set as I possibly could for the crowed so they could leave their restless life behind and go deep into the music and them selves.

In 2001 an organizer in Japan contacted us for a booking. It was for a festival called The Labyrinth. A festival a few hours outside Tokyo. Up in the Japanese mountains. We where so happy to go to Japan for the first time. And I was so happy to see a crowd that really went deep into the music… like the „good“ old days! I could feel the joy, hypnotic and psychedelic vibe that I had been looking for since that day back in 1993 :-).

I got so much inspiration from the Labyrinth festival. This was the start of the journey back and I now remembered why I was doing this :-)“

And now back to the writer….

In 2007 he bought a little house in the forest. A lot of long walks, with the pure inspiration from the nature made an impact on Marcus, he got more patient and his music reflected this and became more spacious. His inner longing for peace and freedom grew, and shortly after, he built his studio there. Both living and working surrounded by nature alone, made it sure that the influences came from within.

The interest for the inner grew stronger and Marcus went deep into meditation and yoga, even becoming a yoga teacher. Today Marcus uses the meditation and yoga as a toolbox. Tools for helping Marcus letting go of his person, and invite Nobody Home.

As a producer, Marcus vision is to create an environment for the listeners‘ inner journey. He knows it takes time and courage to enter oneself and to fully accept what will be put in the light. Letting go of ones expectations, projections and fears is not always „easy“. But when we let ourselves loose and leave all behind we can finally meet our true self.

Since the beginning of time we Humans have a long history of using different methods of inducing altered, heightened or trance-like states. Like the native humans used rituals, drumming, dancing and chanting to get „into“ an trance-like state.

Trances and altered states follow the pattern of a journey: departure, traveling through (inner worlds and dimensions) space, and then returning home.

In the classic shamanic journey traditions, rhythmic drumming, rattling or chanting is used to facilitate the entering into, traveling through and returning from the spirit world.

Research in consciousness and brain function suggest that something called auditory driving or entrainment take place: the rhythmic beat of the drum brings the rhythms of breathing, of the heart, and of the brain into resonance or coherence with each other. This is the same thing happening when we dance together on todays modern clubs.

Another method in shamanic traditions worldwide involves psychoactive, visionary or entheogenic plants or mushrooms to provide an amplification of perception. In classic enteogenic plant ceremonies the ingestion of plant is usually combined with rhythmic drumming and chanting. By the use of hypnotic and deep dance music in combination with psychoactive substances brings in the shamanic journey into todays society.

In modern dance/club culture the use of psychoactive substances is well known, but how to use them in a creative and uplifting way is not… For the one who is traveling deep within, set and setting are very important factors. A safe and friendly environment is crucial, without the „right“ circumstances (set and setting) there is more room for negative energies to enter the experience. This put’s a responsibility on the event/club organizer…

To go deep within can take some effort. To let go of todays stressful society we need to let go of our preconceptions and roles we play in our daily life. This is where the hypnotic and psychedelic dance music come in (the ritual). The traveller is not bound by time and space or of personality or gender. We travel together to a place where there is no limitations. To a place where we are free. A place where we can be ourself without fear. A place where we all can be co-creators and enjoy ourselves as much as we possibly can.

… and the story continues…

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